Annual General Meeting Minutes
2023 MFL AGM Minutes
Moncton Lions Community Centre
473 St. George Street, Moncton,N.B.
December 3, 2022 –11 AM
Meeting called to order by Commissioner Jamie Edwards
Certification of Voters:
Moncton Mustangs: Jason Terris–JT
Island Mariners-Mike Miller-MMi
Saint John Wanderers: Scott McNamee–SM-via Microsoft Teams
Halifax Harbour Hawks-Micah Brown-MB-via Microsoft Teams
Valley Razors-Darcy Barker-DB
Fredericton Fleet-Mike McSorley-MMc
Nova Scotia Buccaneers-Mitch Kays-MK
Moved by MMc seconded by DB to certify the voters above. Motion carried.
Motion to adopt the agenda by MMi, seconded by SM. Motion carried.
Football N.B.:
Football N.B. Executive Director, Josh Harris attended the early part of the meeting to outline the MFL's insurance coverage through FNB and Football Canada. Also discussed was the shortage of officials at some June games due to FNB/FNS interprovincial games being held on Saturdays. FNB will endeavour to have these games played on Sunday in 2023.
Executive Reports:
Motion to approve minutes from 2022 AGM by DB, seconded by JT, Motion carried.
Commissioner’s report by Jamie Edwards: The MFL had 7 teams in 2022, the most since 2009. No forfeits and five of the seven teams were able to play 12 man all season. The number of off field volunteers for some teams was very impressive. Other teams need to work on this aspect of their organization.
Financial report by Secretary-Treasurer Terry McIntyre: League has $3,610.27 in its bank account. This is up significantly mainly due to PSO fees not increasing as budgeted.
Officials report: Al Gates: It is important that the officials get access to team videos for training purposes. There is a great need for new officials. Teams should ask for officials to come to their preseason practices. There is still some confusion about the low blocking rule. Contact must be above the knees.
Motion to approve Executive Reports by DB, seconded by SM. Motion carried.
Team Reports
Saint John Wanderers: Lots of new young players expected in 2023. Money in the bank.
Moncton Mustangs: In good shape. Lots of players. Finances are good. Gear in good shape. Buying a set of white jerseys.
Island Mariners: Momentum building for 2023. At this point 44 players have shown interest. Hope to play 12 man in 2023. Some minor problems in relationship with the officials. Will be working to address that. Possible name change in the works.
Halifax Harbour Hawks: Want to play all games 12 man. No interest in playing 10 man.
Valley Razors: Lots of players. Full coaching staff. Want to play 12 man but do not want any teams left out if they can only play 10 man.
Nova Scotia Buccaneers: Recruiting with the intention to play 12 man football. Want 10 man option left in place.
Fredericton Fleet: Had issues with lack of numbers in 2022. Recruiting to address that. Games at UNB in 2023. Building off field organization. Working on gear.
Motion to approve Team Reports by MK, seconded by MB. Motion carried.
Special Rules Review
Rule 1-Number of Players on Field:
Motion by MB that all games be played 12 man with no exceptions. Seconded by JT.
Motion defeated 5-2. Existing rule remains in place.
It should be noted that all 7 teams will attempt to play 12 man in 2023.
Players Owing Money
Addition to By-Law 3i:
All teamss will send the Commissioner a list of players owing money by Sept. 30.
Motion by DB, seconded by MK. Motion carried.
Social Media
Draft Social Media Policy has been created. Kelly Brown and Jamie Edwards to review and come up with a version to be submitted to the League Council for approval. Kelly Brown to continue as league Social Media Coordiniator.
Motion that each team be required to appoint a team Social Media Coordinator to liason with the League Social Media Coordinator. Motioned by DB, Seconded by MK. Motion carried. Bylaw 3u.
Game Film
Addition to By-law 3r: Home team to upload game film within 48 hours of end of game. Film should be wide angle and elevated. Motion by JT, seconded by MK. Motion carried.
Locker Rooms
Addition to By-law 3e: Separate shower and locker rooms facilities will be provided for each team if reasonably available. Motion by MB, seconded by MMc. Motion carried.
Player Eligibility
There was a discussion about possibly limiting active USports players eligibility in the MFL. No motions made.
Game Announcers and Music New Bylaw 3t.
For venues that use announcers and/or music the following rules apply:
1-Announcing and music must stop when play is ready to commence:
a-When the Referee blows the whistle to start a kickoff
b-When the offence breaks the huddle
2-Announcing and music can be played once the play has ended and until #1 above comes into play.
3-There can be no announcing or music during a play in progress
4-The Referee can penalize the home team for Objectionable Conduct if there is significant violation of this rule.
Motion by JT to implement this rule, seconded by MMc. Motion carrired.
All-Star/MOP Selection Vote Tabulation
Kelly Brown will work with Jamie Edwards on a more efficient way to tabulate votes for selection of league all-stars and MOPs.
Proposed Budget for 2023
Motion by DB, seconded by MMi to approve the 2023 league budget as presented by Treasurer, Terry McIntyre. Motion carried. Team dues will be $5,000 for 2023.
2023 Schedule
The season will start on April 29 and conclude on June 24. The 7 teams will play a 6 game regular season schedule with top 4 making the playoffs. A detailed schedule was presented as a starting point for the season.
Election of 2023 Executive
Commissioner: Jamie Edwards
Deputy Commissioner-East-Kelly Brown
Deputy Commissioner-West-Chris Gallant
Secretary-Treasurer: Terry McIntyre
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:00 PM by SM, seconded by MK. Motion carried.